Are you ready?

The Greatest Game of ALL

Why just cope with suffering, when you can end it? Coping tools are great. But to know longer need to cope? That's the GREATEST. Come play The Greatest Game of ALL.

We are an inclusive community, but to ensure the quality of results for ALL, playing this Game if not for everybody.  Email me to find out more. 

I am Ready!

Are you a succesful, intelligent, motivated person, that... ? 

  • Still hasn't found what you're looking for.
  • Is stressed out too much, too often.
  • Has untapped potential you aren't "living up to." 
  • Has things that look good on paper but you aren't as healthy or happy as you "could", "should" or "ought" to be.
  • Has lost your mojo.
  • Is starting to think, "is this all there is?" 
  • Perhaps a mistake, midlife crisis, trauma, loss, a problem you just can't seem to solve despite your best efforts and intelligence? 

But then again...

  • You know better. There MUST be more ... to life.
  • You're skeptical of new age, coaches, therapy, and religion.
  • But still open-minded to holistic perspectives from out of the box, when combined with evidence-based stuff and explained with insight and clarity.  
  • Solving one problem just leads to another, until you find the Source 
  • You don't know how to have your cake and eat it, too... to be well and truly happy

Then you've come to the right place. But as much you might need to check us out, I need to make sure you are a good fit for our community. After all, Together we thrive. So if you want to know more... 


Email Mike


By playing the Greatest Game of ALL:

You will explore, discover, learn, grow and create:

Radiant Health

By dialing in and UP each of the "Everythings" it's impossible not to feel a whole lot better. 

Optimal Performance

You know your not getting the most out of your body, mind, and spirit. Why, then, do you think you "ought" to be happy?

Actual Happiness

You've heard that happiness is an inside job. Now you are finally going to know HOW to do it. 


From assault victims to combat veterans, I've helped a lot of people out of the trenches. We got this. 

Meaning, Purpose, Passion

What makes you feel most alive? Discover who you really are and why you are really here. 

The Greatest Possible Benefits 

When you put the ends up front and level up the bottom line, everything else benefits... self, others and ALL. 

But most of all

You will feel free to be the greatest possible version of Who you are meant to be, and from that place you can create the future you value and choose. Not every acorn becomes an oak tree. But every oak tree produces thousands of acorns. With a practical path to unfold your greatest potentials, you automatically become the greatest benefit to yourself, others and ALL.

"Working with London has been such a great pleasure! First of all, but also... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. I just wished I'd found London years ago!"

Janine Doe


Name of your course

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.

Name of your course

  • Sursum, deorsum, in montibus et valle.
  • Excepteur sint occaecat velit
  • Tamen eligo, si eligam. Locum meum silvamque meam.
  • Excepteur sint occaecat velit
  • Tamen semper maneo, secundum desiderium meum, minimus!
One time payment of $ 699
3 monthly payments of $ 240

See what others experienced

This is how it works 

We dial in and UP, each of the "Everythings", in the "Hierarchy of Everything" 

So you'll get all of this

In this part you give a recap or your course.

Name of your course

  • Number of modules
  • Result 1
  • Result 2
  • Result 3, 4 etc
  •  Plus bonusses

And remember.... Ubi arbores robustae crescunt. Ibi flagellat ventus impetu acerbo et saevus. Ibi fulgur rubrum colit. 

Yes I'm In! One time payment of $ 699
Yes I'm in! 3 monthly payments of $ 240


If you are the type of person who needs a "money-back guarantee" then you probably aren't the right fit for this program. People who are ready to play The Greatest Game of ALL understand that you get out of life what you put into it. I know, through decades of trial and error, and thousands of hours of personal and professional success, that "the work works, if you work it." I can provide the maps, tools, instructions, guidance, troubleshooting, community, camaraderie, support, experience, and expertise. You need to PLAY THE GAME. So, while I can't guarantee there or not you will do that, I can p[promise that once you purchase this program the first time, you can keep coming back as long as it exists, absolutely free of charge. After the initial 6 month investment, we move to a no-questions-asked, by-donation-only basis. 100% of your donations will go to scholarships for those who can't afford the initial investment. 

Do you have any burning questions left?

Type down the frequently asked questions and answers in this grid.

Having doubts?

Okay, so it's going to look different with what we know about the world, and want for our future, but don't give up on this guy.  Why not start today?

Send me an email and let's see if The Greatest Game of ALL is what you've been waiting for.